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Preview: Redemption: The Bigger Picture
At first glance, God’s plan of redemption appears simple and singular in purpose. Man sinned against God and was unable to pay the price necessary to have the penalty of his sin removed. God then provided the the substitutionary payment for man’s sin through the blood sacrifice of His own Son, Jesus Christ. Every man who acknowledges Christ as their Savior becomes the beneficiary of His sin payment and is thereafter eternally secure in the Kingdom of God.
The entire foundation of the Christian faith rests on the premise of man’s redemption. You probably knew this fact, but perhaps you didn’t realize that this redemption is rooted in an even deeper purpose than simply securing mankind’s eternal home in heaven. Download this PDF book directly to your computer in less than a minute to see the vastness of God's plan to redeem His creation. This larger picture includes His detailed plan for you after this life but before you go to heaven. 22 Pages