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You were created and designed for a purposeful life, but you can still miss it! Predestination is a topic that has been heatedly debated amongst theologians for millenniums. The Calvinist groups on one side claiming that God alone determines who will be saved and the Armenians shooting back with “whosoever will” rhetoric. We’ve all heard the discussions and read the arguments. While the war continues, little real attempt is made to resolve the conflicted wording and support text. Whether you believe you were recruited or simply believe you enlisted of your own free will is immaterial to me. What is really important is what you do with your life as a servant of Jesus Christ.
This study will focus on a different aim point for the debated terms and related passages that could just let us see beyond the soteriology (study of the doctrine of personal salvation) issue and address the common ground that is hiding in plain sight. The enemy has managed to lure the army of God into a distracting debate, while missing a very critical truth that should be motivating all believers. Download this PDF book directly to your computer in less than a minute and learn how your life has been meticulously planned out according to God's Word and what you are invited to do with it. 36 Pages
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