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The Communications Process - Study Guide
The Clarity Series- The Communications Process - Study Guide God delivers us each Personal Assignments in the way of inaudible messages he sends through our thought lives. Most of these assignments will be simple thought directives like pointing out someone who could use some help or bringing to mind some cause that could use either your talents, or your money, or both. While these thoughts are not earth shaking, they are important parts of God’s overall plan for you.
The heart of this messaging process is called Spiritual Direction; the way that He wants to minister to the world- using you! But this thought process is also used by the god of this world, Satan, in an attempt to derail you from your assignments and get you “off track.” Satan’s messages use his most powerful tool… your imagination. Scripture warns us to carefully monitor what comes into our minds. Armed with the knowledge of this mental war going on in our minds, we can win the war through the power of the Holy Spirit. 11 Pages