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This is a test. It is only a test... For those over the age of sixty, this phrase brings back vivid memories. Back in the days of black and white TVs and radio broadcasts, this phrase was preceded by a frightening shrill pulsed sound blaring out of radios and TVs. This was followed by an ominous test pattern that appeared on the screen, followed by a monotone voice solemnly instructing listeners that this interruption to current programming was a spontaneous test of the Emergency Broadcasting System and was intended to practice the critical instructions about a potential national emergency.
The book of James presents just such a description of the varied personal emergencies and problems that believers can expect to encounter in their lives. While there are certainly very real and even dire situations that we all will face at some point in our lives, James’ treatise presents a very clear teaching of how God uses these situations to develop our faith. Download this PDF book directly to your computer in less than a minute and learn the depth of the Christian life that God delivers through life's testing situations. 59 Pages
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