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If ever there was a being deserving of worship and adoration, it is Christ Jesus. A member of the triune godhead visited a contaminated version of the perfect earth He had created for the express purpose of paying for the collective sin of mankind, whom He also created. He shed His holy blood to redeem mankind from the prison of their own making, for the purpose of restoring them back to full fellowship with the Father. Condemned man was released from his prison by his Holy God. Only supreme love could explain this. This same Christ is the one we call Savior; the One who snatched us from perishing under the crushing judgment of sin. His redemptive work done, He now offers this salvation to all men, asking only that we recognize and acknowledge both Him and the gravity of His offer. Our redemption was purchased at tremendous cost to Christ and offered to man as an undeserved gift. While God certainly wants every believer to accept His Son, Jesus Christ as both their Savior and their Lord, Presenting Christ as Lord & Savior to an unbeliever many times presents a message that is not only confusing, it poses several problems. Here's why.. 43 Pages
Preview: Christ Jesus, Lord & Savior